Your Life Encouraged

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How do you experience God's voice or direction?

Currently reading a book that is rocking my world! It's all about women and finding their calling. I've been so interested in learning more about my calling for at least the last 5 to 7 years. I believe the last couple of years I've been slowly leaning into my calling and this book is confirming everything I've learned and read about over the years.

It's called I am a Leader: When Women Discover The Joy of Their Calling, by Angie Ward, PhD. Angie had a warm, conversational writing style. It reads almost as if we're sitting, having a coffee talk. I'm currently on chapter 3 and have highlighted so many gems thus far!

One thing she includes throughout the pages of each chapter is a Women Speak section in which a reflection question is asked and answers from different women are shared. One question in particular, so far, caught my attention with much interest:

Many of the answers that various women shared had a similar theme centered around a burning passion that wouldn't go away, confirmation everywhere (music, reading, sermons, prayer, people, etc), and a feeling in the spirit. Since reading this question and chapter 2 as a whole, it's been heavy on my mind how I would answer.

Chapter 2 is called Discerning a Call. There have been many times I have believed something happening in my life was part of my calling. This includes leaving/starting different jobs, going to graduate school, engaging with different people in my life and so on. This chapter mentions how sometimes we think something is part of our calling but it could be one forcing their own plan believing it is part of God's calling on our lives. I believe without a doubt many of the choices I have made were me forcing my plan but I also believe I needed the lessons from said plans to get to where I am today.

If I did not make the choices I did, I would not have matured in the ways I have. Did I make life harder? Sure. I imagine God shaking his head but also cheering me on once I got back on track. If we did not live in a fallen world of sin, I imagine life would be more of a straight path to the good that God has for us.

So, how do I answer how I experience God's voice or direction? Very much like the women who shared their answer in the book. I can feel it in my spirit, confirmation everywhere, and not feeling anything much other than feelings of joy, excitement, and peace. How would you answer this question? I'd love to hear if it's anything like the answers already shared! If you're interested in learning more about being a leader as a woman and your calling from a biblical perspective, grab a copy of Angie's book today! You won't be able to put it down once you start reading it!